February 28 - March 1

At the end of this month, we will join people from all over the world in something called Gather 25. This is an event where we will spend 25 consecutive hours in prayer, specifically for God to be known across the nations. We will kick off the 25 hours with a praise night at 6 pm on the 28th. You can find more information about this event by clicking here or go ahead and sign-up to pray by clicking here.

May 9-10

Our youth ministry is heading back to STUCO (student conference) this May! This is a weekend retreat where our students get to gather with other youth ministries from across the Northwest to meet new people, have fun, and learn about God. STUCO is $65 per person, and the registration deadline is April 10th. If you have any questions, you can reach out to our youth director Kenon by clicking here. To register your kid for STUCO click here.

March 16

We are having baptisms during both services on March 16th. If you want to be baptized or if you are curious about what baptism is fill out our online connect form by clicking here.

July 12-17

It is still a ways out, but we are gearing up for youth summer camp! Our students will be able to spend a week with others from across the Northwest and get to join in on lots of fun. Camp is July 12-17 and is a total of $394 per person. If you have any questions, you can contact Kenon. The deadline to guarantee the early bird pricing is February 7th so sign up today! When you sign-up you will only need to pay a $75 deposit (this is included in the $394 total). Register here.